Intentional Thoughts

It is seems easy to wake up, stretch over and grab your phone and scroll through your favorite app, whether Intagram, Tik Tok or your favorite team news. You move forward to getting out bed, going to the bathroom, brushing your teeth, washing your face and then heading for your coffee or tea. All these things come so easy for us, there is no effort or extra thought put for this. Your heart, mind and body all agree to the same goal to get these needs, wants, desires all met. Somehow they come easy. These come unintentionally. Some more than others.

Now, you get out of the house, take your car out or open the app and call an Uber, head to work. You say hi to your colleagues, set your appointments, check your email etc. Based on how long you have been doing you working there, tasks come either intentionally or unintentionally.

So somehow many intentional actions bring out unintentional results overtime. So can our behaviors and thought process also be a part of many intentional thoughts and behaviors accumulated over time?.This is how transformations and changes happen to people, society and even the world. So why does our mind and body fight intentional change? is it inertia? does growth mean discomfort? Well, it could be the fear of the unknown that exists.

The fear of not knowing, how to do what we wish to change or be how to be intentional about it. The fear of failure more than success, the fear of not knowing complete story of the one who overcame this. The reason why society finds it easy to standardize everything, is because it is easy to give one method of solving a problem. Repetitive intentional change over time has becomes tradition or an unconscious behavior.

Think about it, we can either be starting off to a healthier consciousness, or doer of repeated unconscious behavior. So what is that you wish to be INTENTIONAL about today?

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